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  • raisingkinleys

Breastmilk Barriers 🐄

When you’re faced with premature delivery - your body might take longer to begin producing. At 25 weeks - my body wasn’t prepared for what came next. My body and I both expected another three months of pregnancy. Expected that third trimester. Expected time for colostrum to begin coming in before birth. But, that’s not how it all went down. #magnesiumdrips while on bed rest, delivering at #25weeks, and delivering via #csection made it more challenging for my body to trigger the need to produce. It took religiously pumping every 2-3 hours. In the beginning, I would pump every 2 hours and hand express after pumping with my hospital grade #medelasymphony. Once I discharged and it was clear the Aniston wouldn’t be coming home anytime soon - I felt that pumping to feed her was the only thing within my control and the only thing that I could actually do for her as her mother. I wasn’t able to touch her for days or weeks on end just because of her fragility. At the 12 week mark - my supply was established and I eventually filled a deep freeze with more ounces than I could count. After learning of her lymphatic malformation - I learned that she could no longer take breastmilk due to the fattiness. Some milk was donated and the rest STILL sits in that deep freeze to this day - 644 days after bringing my micropreemie into this world 🤍#advocatelikeamother #micropreemie #iugr #iugrbaby #25weeker #developmentaldelay #ROP #nystagmus #bronchopulmonarydysplasia #chroniclungdisease #congenitallymphaticmalformation #tracheomalacia #epilepsy #gjtube #tubie #tpn #feedingintolerance #medicallycomplex #trachbaby #ventbaby #medicalmama #trach

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